Skip the Visa: 5 Cool Canadian Jobs You Can Land Easily

Even though Canada is an extremely immigrant-friendly nation, there are times when getting a visa can be extremely tricky and difficult. Sometimes, you don’t even have a work permit with you, which is a pivotal document that is required while applying for a job. Does that mean that you are doomed? Is there no way you can earn a living?

Not necessarily! Well, don’t get us wrong. Having a visa and a work permit is always ideal and is something that you should aim for. But if for circumstantial reasons, you are unable to procure a visa or work permit, then there are a few jobs that either don’t require those documents or are flexible in the way that they give you enough time to get those said documents. So, without any further ado, let us find out the jobs in Canada that don’t require a visa and/or work permit.

Emergency Service Provider
Canada values emergency service providers, which is why this is a job that you can get by even if you don’t have a visa or work permit. If you happen to be a foreign national who would be working in Canada during an emergency, you are eligible to get an exemption from providing a work permit. However, it must be carefully noted that the services you provide must be to preserve life or property in the nation. Whether it is a natural disaster like an earthquake and cyclone or a man-made industrial disaster, you would be required to serve quickly and efficiently.

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Athletes, sportspersons, and sports coaches can also benefit from this flexibility. If you happen to be a foreign national and during your stay in Canada, you intend to represent your home country, you are free to do so without having to provide a work permit. There will no interference as you bring glory to your nation. However, you would need a work permit if you are planning to represent Canada in any sports.

Convention Organizer
Convention organizers are tasked with planning and organizing international conventions, events, and meetings. If you are one, then you would be eligible to not provide any work permit. As part of the convention organizer, you might have to identify new and potential businesses, make bookings for housing, food, and travel for the concerned people, manage and administer finance, undertake appropriate research, and write promotional material, among others. The exemptions are only for those who provide hands-on services such as audio-visual though.

Here, the term examiner refers to an academic expert or a professor, who is eligible to get exempted from providing a work permit to their employers in Canada. So, if you happen to be one and your nationality is not Canadian, then you can avail this opportunity. You can be employed by a Canadian research group or an educational institute. As part of your job, you would have to supervise and evaluate academic projects, write theses, and make research proposals, among others.

News Reporter
Another interesting job profile that doesn’t require a work permit or other allied documents in Canada is that of a news reporter. The same applies to a media or a film crew as well. So, if you are a foreign national of any of these professions in Canada, you don’t need to worry about these documents. However, you must make sure that you are an official member of a news reporter’s crew and that you won’t enter the labor market of Canada. You have to be a resident correspondent and a reporter of a non-Canadian publication. In addition, the event that you are tasked with must be less than six months.

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