
Apply For Canada Approved Predoctoral International Awards at Dalhousie University 2021

Great News! Application calls for the Predoctoral International Awards at Dalhousie University, Canada 2022. This study award is opened to all desired applicants for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Provided by Killam, The Predoctoral scholarship funds will be awarded on a competitive basis to outstanding graduate students in thesis-based programs.

Dalhousie is one of Canada’s top 15 research universities. Graduate students work closely with faculty who are leaders in their fields to conduct more than $180 million in research each year. They make discoveries in state-of-the-art lab facilities, conduct fieldwork locally and around the globe, and have access to physical and digital library collections that allow students to pursue almost any line of inquiry.

Among North America’s most hospitable universities, Dalhousie University has a global reputation for being one of the friendliest. More than 18,100 students from throughout the world attend Dalhousie University, one of Canada’s oldest universities. The University of Guelph, located on Canada’s East Coast, offers world-class academic programmes as well as cutting-edge research opportunities.

Application Type:

Masters and doctoral

Study Perks:

The award will be distributed in the following manner:

  • Master’s (Level 1): $6666.66 per term + ITF (international students) + relocation allowance (if applicable)
  • Doctoral (Level 2): $10000 per term + relocation allowance (if applicable) + President’s Award for two years.

Application Process:

  • How to Apply: Candidates can complete their graduate application form online application or print. After that, you have to complete the application form.
  • Supporting Documents: Submit transcripts, reference letters, and other supplementary documentation.
  • Admission Requirements: Students must have the following:
  • Four-year Bachelor’s or masters degree
  • Minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B average) in the last 60 credit hours of study
  • Degree granted by university of recognized standing
  • Language Requirement: Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate their capacity to pursue a graduate-level program in English before admission. The language competency test may be waived if the applicant has completed a degree at a recognized university where the language of instruction is English in a country where English is one of the national languages.

Eligibility Criteria for Predoctoral International Awards at Dalhousie University, Canada 2022:

  • Eligible Countries: Canada and international
  • Eligible Program: The scholarship will be awarded in sciences, engineering, humanities, and social sciences
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the given criteria:
  • Killam Awards are open to both Canadian and International applicants.
  • Applicants are expected to have also applied for funding from relevant provincial, national or international agencies. For Canadians, this may include NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR, NSHRF, NSGS, etc, as applicable to their discipline.  For non-Canadian, applicants are expected to have applied for provincial scholarships (NSGS, etc.) and national/international awards for which they would be eligible.
  • Killam Predoctoral Scholarship holders must be eligible to receive scholarship support for at least two years. This means that at the Master’s level only newly entering students will be considered. At a Doctoral level, only students who have spent less than 24 months in program by May 1st of the award year will be considered.


  • University: Dalhousie University
  • Department: Not stated
  • Degree Level: Masters and doctoral
  • Grants: Up to $10000 per term + relocation allowance
  • Application Mode: Online
  • Available Grants:Not Stated
  • Nationality:International

To access Grant:



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